In the chair Andrew Sharman
End of 2021 is our best shot at welcoming you back (safely) to Berlin for our next addition of Europe’s flagship Health & Safety event, the EHS Congress. Expect nothing short of a grand return with a fantastic speaker line-up, an incredible venue and an engaging (and hopefully entertaining) chairmanship!

Organizing the event safely about covid

Only granting access to delegates with valid COVID vaccine certificates.

Even with the vaccines in place, we’ll keep precautions such as booking an overly large conference room and keeping desks apart.

Hotel staff will be disinfecting frequently touched surfaces as well as ventillating the entire venue during breaks.

Individually Plated Meals
In the cafeteria/exhibiting foyer we’re serving individually plated meals only and marking safe distance rules nonetheless.

Want to See More? See the previous 3 years
Hear From
World Class Speaker Panel
Bruno Vercken
EHS Director at Danone
Andrew Sharman
CEO at RMS Switzerland
Francois Germain
Global safety director for Total
Ralf Steinberg
Vice President HSE w/ E.ON | empathic competency
Diane Chadwick-Jones
former Director of Human Performance
at BP
Natalia Gills
EHS Senior Director at PepsiCo Europe
Ralf Franke
Global EHS / HSE Head at Siemens
Krishnen Mootien
Head of Health & Safety Compliance – EMEA, North America & LATAM at RB
Andre Fey
Head of HSE at Norsk Hydro
Rob Stephenson
CEO at FormScore Mental Health
Jop Groeneweg
Quantifying and modelling the factors contributing to a Just culture in organiations
John Green
Vice President Global HSE at SNCLavalin
Jeffrey Giesse
Group Head of Health, Safety &
Environment at LafargeHolcim
Claus Rose
Vice President EHS Renewable at GE
Malcolm Staves
Corporate Health & Safety Director at L’Oréal